Your First Visit

Getting Here

Below are the steps to take as you prepare for your appointment:

  • Office address, maps, and transportation instructions are included in Offices and Directions.
  • Please arrive 20 minutes early to allow time for parking and check-in.
  • Please bring your Insurance card and a photo ID, like your driver’s license, with you.

Before Your First Visit

New Patient Packet

This packet should be read and completed prior to your first visit. It includes a medical history form and questionnaires about the symptoms relating to your integrative pelvic health. A description of what you may expect during your initial visit is presented in this document.

It is our goal to see each new patient within 3 weeks of when they call for an appointment. If your appointment is further than 3 weeks from the time you called for one, or if you feel you need to be seen sooner, please contact us.

Complete All Subsection Questionnaires of the New Patient Packet to your best ability.

Before your initial visit, you will be asked to fill out some Urogynecology questionnaires. The doctor who referred you to us may have given this to you or, you can download it from our website.

If you prefer us to mail or fax it to you, please let us know when you call to schedule your first consultation so that we can send it to you in advance.

The questionnaires have several subsections for various conditions treated at Swan Medical. Please complete the sections that concern you as completely as possible. This will help us better understand your concerns and help guide us in offering treatment pathways.

If you have Urinary symptoms, please complete a 2-day bladder diary as well. To complete this diary, you will need to measure your urine and water intake and write down each time you urinate and each time you drink for two 24-hour periods. You will also make note of any incontinence events that occur as well as symptoms or activity that preceded it. You can perform the measurements for the bladder diary using a standard measuring cup or you can pick up a “toilet hat” from our office. Please complete the bladder diary before the day of your visit.

During Your Visit

Before you see me, you will meet with my medical assistant (MA). She will also assist me during your exam.  My MA will call you in from the reception area, take your vital signs, record your weight, and bring you to the exam room.  During your visit, we will review your symptoms and history in the New Patient Questionnaire and Bladder Diary.

  • Then you will have a Urogynecologic exam including taking measurements of your vagina support and bladder.
  • Photographs may also be taken if reconstructive or aesthetic surgery or treatment is being considered.
  • After that, we will talk about the findings and the treatment options for you to consider.
  • Occasionally, a physician may accompany me because I am responsible for teaching doctors from other countries and residents from nearby universities and training programs. This plays an important role in insuring that physicians learn about Pelvic Floor Conditions and there treatments because there are not enough of us to cover the needs of millions of women. This option is completely up to you to accept or decline.
  • Please ask questions. It is always good to ask questions and voice any concerns you may have about instructions, medical tests, medications, or treatments. If you don’t understand my answers, please ask for more information.

After Your Visit

My Medical Assistant can give you a copy of your After Visit Summary

  • This summary includes my name and the date and time of our visit, your vital signs, my test orders, and may include instructions I’ve given you during our visit.

Test results

  • If you had lab work or other tests done, we’ll contact you with your results by letter, e-mail, or phone.

Follow-up questions/activities

  • You can contact me by secure e-mail for non-urgent questions. It is direct communication with me, and I am usually able to respond to questions in 24 to 48 hours.
  • You can call the main number to schedule an appointment or speak to someone in my office.